Friday, December 16, 2005


wow. here i sit at our computer and i'm done.
no longer on staff at vti. no longer a 'city kid' (i was a pretty bad one anyway).
and i'm off home.

it'll be grand to be with my family again...
God has given me this crazy chance to go to scotland next year and take this training program! I'm floored and excited and a bit scared to be honest. But it's pretty amazing. i'll need a huge miracle in order to pay for it - but hey, what's 20 grand in the eyes of God eh?
it's snowing a bit outside and cold. and my parents are here.

pray for me as I adjust to being at home
have an amazing christmas!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

plush monkey

doesn't that sound terrible? plush monkey!! say it - it really does sound funny.

WEll, here I am in Calgary - winding up my time at VTI. It has been good - a very teary week for me as I deal with emotions and life and the fact that I'm moving on to a new place in my life. I have loved it here and I know I love the staff so deeply and that it goes both ways.

I'm looking forward to HOPEFULLY getting a job in my home town as well as camp this summer... maybe scotland next year! but more than anything else... I'm excited about the talk I had yesterday.
I went for coffee with my friend, Bruce... we had a long talk about work and life and God.
yesterday, it struck me so much that I needed to have the verse "cast all your anxiety on him b/c he cares for you" - b/c GOD CARES FOR YOU. Wow. At one point I was feeling so hurt and frustrated and angry - a spiritual anger. But I was sitting there praying and thinking and stuff - and then I found out that God had placed a burning burden on bruce to go and stand up for me - all of that to say - it was basically that I could rest everything on God and He really did take care of me - right there. tangibly.
I've been so overwhelmed by love and the love God has for me.

I better head out... but I wanted to say hey and let you know I am alive. Pray for me - it's going to be tough to leave.