Monday, December 31, 2007

sweet hope

He is risen, He is risen. Hallelujah. Like the sun on the horizon. Hallelujah. All my doubts were so unfounded, all my hopes alive again.

I guess it's so easy to forget hope. So easy to forget to reach out. So easy to forget that we have the battle long since won.
Lets put the belt of TRUTH around our waists.
Lets know that our God reigns! That we can be free!

I like images and things - good ole Jack Sparrow always longs for freedom - it is the most desireable thing for him beyond women and wealth. Imagine having freedom from the need for THINGS - a full belief that my God owns all the wealth of the world and I don't need to hang on to things or jobs or plans for the future.
It's really easy for me to forget what matters in life and how sweet it is to be loved by God and to not need to be dragged down by anything. I want to understand this more. To understand what it is to be grafted into a vine.

I often imagine a white glass tree with silver leaves - the smell around it is very clean and fresh and the tree itself is so very fragile and yet there is something that flows instead of sap that is unbreakable. It is powerful as it goes to and fro throughout the branches and twigs and intertwined roots and it produces the sweetest most wonderful fruit that gives people a sense of health and eternity... a taste of what can be. I belong in this tree - grafted in - and all that gets in the way of that sap flowing through me is this desire to please myself - but as I crucify it I find real LIFE. Giving up what I cannot keep to gain what I cannot lose. The mystery of the cross becomes slightly more clear and I can hear the sweet music of heaven. I hope you join me.