Wednesday, September 06, 2006


well, here I am in England... things are good here - humid and sunny! What happened to the rainy, foggy weather I bought all my clothes for? Well, maybe I'll have it soon enough eh?
Things are good here... I've decided that first thing in the morning I need to always make the decision to just be happy with life - generally after I spend time with God I am (because I start seeing things from HIS perspective), but it's so easy to start off my day thinking about the day before or disappointments or frustrations... and that never starts the day off well. It's like I'm incapable of seeing life positively sometimes!! Oh well.
So here I sit. Yesterday we went to Cambridge - lots of old buildings there... the whole town felt very... transient... intelligent... full of culture and history, and yet somehow not very friendly either - it kind of reminded me a little of Banff... if you're there, you either BELONG or you don't... and no one really fits because everyone's on their way out eventually. It was a strange tone. But I love just driving around here and seeing the trees with vines - and all the different kinds of trees! And seeing the narrow roads and the farmland - at one point we could have been on highway 20! It was cool..
and I've been drinking a lot of tea. mmmmmm.. tea... yup.
well, I better head out! In a couple of days I'm up to Scotland - exciting and scary and sad all at once - exciting to know that I'm going to be plunged into a new adventure... scary because I've never been there and it's... SCARY! And sad because I really want to be established somewhere - I'd love to get to know this place and these people better... but I guess there will be loads of time for all of that right? #ah well.
See y'all lata!