Tuesday, March 07, 2006

sick dog

well... here it is March already... pretty sweet.
There's really nothing that thrilling going on that I feel the urge to write about, but I thought I should probably post SOMETHING so that you have something to read.
Life is pretty... lifeish. I'm realizing more and more the need to be thankful for what I have rather than wish I had more... y'know when you come to that point? Suddenly you see that you will always have something to gripe about... so it would be a far better use of your life to be thankful for all the other things you DO have. And so that's what I'm endeavouring to do a bit more these days.

The biggest 'epiphany' I've had lately is regarding the vulnerability of God. Not something I'd really think about a lot - but it's pretty amazing how much He risks, how much of his heart he freely exposes in the hope that his love will be returned. It makes me feel really selfish in comparison as I think about how much I just don't share with people or am too lazy/scared... but then I don't connect as deeply.
well, that's about it for that.

otherwise, life is status quo and I sort of enjoy it... just living and being free. I burned my thumb on the webbing melter thingy yesterday. Pretty crazy. Apparantly burning flesh smells like mushroom soup... something to think about as you open that can of Campbells! Mmmm. Either way, the fumes kind of give me a headache (more the fumes in the shop than my burning flesh). And that's about it for now.

Rawk on!


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