Monday, February 27, 2006

a month and a half

beginning to think I'd quit blogging? well, I almost have... terrible really.
No, it's just that I can't really think of a whole lot of momentus things that may have happened in my life in the last month... I still work at the same place, less hours but working harder so it balances out... yup.
I 'brought the message' at a church yesterday. I couldn't call it preaching - I dislike the feel of that word for what I'm doing. To call something a sermon it implies hours of study and cross-referencing. Mine was mostly just hours of thinking and praying and then talking. Yeah. They said it was good, I have no way of really knowing since I was the one talking. If people looked bored I'd yell a little or jump around (in context of course) and then decided about the time I was repeating myself it was time to sit down.
Then I ate poutine and decided it is one of the least healthy meals in the world - deep fried carbs smothered in greasy fat with fatty dairy, salt and sugary ketchup. mmmmmmm. suffice it to say my stomach was in some pain after that!

And I'm still excited about Scotland... I nearly withdrew my name last week - all the pre-leaving planning was killing me... I'm so thankful for grounded parents who balance out whichever extreme I seem to be flying to. so excellent. And it'll be good to go to camp in June... I"m looking forward to that.
So that's the quick update.
I'm going to jet though!


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