shall we try again?
hey, I tried writing the other day but it didn't work... so I'll give it another shot.
Wow. In the last few months, God has done more tangible, obvious work in my life - so much proof that He indeed is alive, active in my life and caring for me.
First there was my revelations about trusting God implicetly (probably really spelled wrong) with every area of my life - no holds barred. That was in July. Then came that amazing week at camp, followed by the hardest training camp for me yet. In the last few weeks, all my expectations have been blown out of the water and on a DAILY basis, I've prayed for things and seen God do them THAT DAY!
It excites me. It gives me vision for the possibilities in the future!
It helps me trust Him even more and it makes me look around in my life for more things I can hand over to Him.
I think that if we did that more often - responded to God's work with an almost reckless abandon, searching for more in our lives to give to Him... we may see God work a lot more. Generally, I just sort of give him a half-hearted thanks... but I've been reading the BIble as a book of true stories and wisdom for life and it's been blowing me away with the faith of these prophets. If you read the BIble and totally don't believe in God, but are willing to accept that the stories are people's true experiences, I don't know how you can NOT believe in God when you're done!
People raised to life.
Jail breaks.
People crippled all their lives healed with a touch.
a Virgin has a baby.
Whole armies wiped out by hail storms.
Speech impediments betray spies.
A guy is killed with a tent peg.
Another with a mill stone.
Curses defining a whole people's future...
This book is amazing and the God behind it is alive, powerful, unchanging, awesome, AND involved in my life!!! That blows me away.
Last night was my last comissioning service - it will be very hard for me to leave VTI - but I think I'll think about that later rather than now - best not to weep while the bridegroom's still here I've been told.
Talk to you all later!
Wow. In the last few months, God has done more tangible, obvious work in my life - so much proof that He indeed is alive, active in my life and caring for me.
First there was my revelations about trusting God implicetly (probably really spelled wrong) with every area of my life - no holds barred. That was in July. Then came that amazing week at camp, followed by the hardest training camp for me yet. In the last few weeks, all my expectations have been blown out of the water and on a DAILY basis, I've prayed for things and seen God do them THAT DAY!
It excites me. It gives me vision for the possibilities in the future!
It helps me trust Him even more and it makes me look around in my life for more things I can hand over to Him.
I think that if we did that more often - responded to God's work with an almost reckless abandon, searching for more in our lives to give to Him... we may see God work a lot more. Generally, I just sort of give him a half-hearted thanks... but I've been reading the BIble as a book of true stories and wisdom for life and it's been blowing me away with the faith of these prophets. If you read the BIble and totally don't believe in God, but are willing to accept that the stories are people's true experiences, I don't know how you can NOT believe in God when you're done!
People raised to life.
Jail breaks.
People crippled all their lives healed with a touch.
a Virgin has a baby.
Whole armies wiped out by hail storms.
Speech impediments betray spies.
A guy is killed with a tent peg.
Another with a mill stone.
Curses defining a whole people's future...
This book is amazing and the God behind it is alive, powerful, unchanging, awesome, AND involved in my life!!! That blows me away.
Last night was my last comissioning service - it will be very hard for me to leave VTI - but I think I'll think about that later rather than now - best not to weep while the bridegroom's still here I've been told.
Talk to you all later!
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