Saturday, September 03, 2005

So what have I been doing?

Scroll down to my other post to read what God has done in me at camp - seriously, it's amazing... I never thought that I would totally be able to hear the voice of God in such a real way.

But it'd be good to tell you physically what's been happening in my life too!!!
I just spent the last 10 days at Crowsnest Lake Bible Camp... Soooooo fun!

I definately got tossed in the lake on my birthday - ah, once again, being winded by the sheer coldness of it all... but it was a good "welcome home" for me, and I quickly got aquainted with a couple of the staff as they dragged me into the water. Ieeeee!

The next day, we left on our outtrip... missed our campsite b/c of the fog surrounding us. I'm SOOO glad that one of the directors lent me his jacket! (WHO comes to camp without a jacket??? Stupid girl!) It SNOWED! Yes, I woke up to Christmas. Two inches of snow fell, and I learned the meaning of body heat... I even shared my mummy bag with my friend so that our bodies would heat each other. Good bonding it was. That night it warmed up enough to light a fire - after a day of rain and snow trapped under our tarp, it was VERY nice to come out and dry out my clothes. The next day we did an amazing (very long) hike. I'm definately hillbilly tough, but I'm not super mountain hardcore. Ieeee. The views were incredible though, and i had the most amazing cabin!

All through Camp, God spoke to me so clearly. Again and again, he'd grant even the stupidest requests immediately. It was so amazing. And so vital - I came out of camp refreshed and excited.

We pranked 5 guys and gave them Chicken a la King Sandwiches... mmmm... but it was actually chicken flavoured CAT food! Hah! What fun!
One of my friends managed to get a paintball in my mouth - not super tasty, but it was really fun to tackle her down and spit it back in her face! (oh the gross things you do at camp! But it's OK, b/c it's camp!)
I wore longjohns under my shorts most days. I didn't change my clothes hardly at all. We sang Christmas carols and stupid songs at an old folks home and a native guy came and told me that we were like twins b/c we both had braids! So fun. Then we wrote a threat letter to a girl who had been on staff at camp and folded all her laundry, and drank 1 litre slurpees (VERY bad Idea! I got so sick! - bit it's camp!)

We also saunad. Oh, how I love the sauna! mmmm hot sweaty bodies crammed into a little room and then running into the freezing lake!

And the singing. Worshiping God together as a body of Christians... I got 2 more into the family of Christ, and it was amazing to hear a crowd lifting thier voices to God. Soooo good.

On Monday, I move out to the training centre for training camp. at first, I had a really cruddy attitude about it, but now, God is changing me and i'm REALLY excited. It's going to be so different... but so fun. I'll keep you posted!


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