Monday, March 28, 2005

¿Ayunda marra?

Ha... so tony is translating for us now ' a pastor here at La fuente... SOOO funny... I was playing hack with some girls who didn´t get it... so I asked him how to say "with your feet"... I said it, and they looked at me really funny.... he comes up to me laughing so hard and says, it´s actually "Con pieds" and I had told them to do it with farts!!!!! MEN!!!! So I hardly trust him now when I ask him how to say things!!! oh well.
Last night at church was one of the most amazing experiences ever! Worshipping God in Spanish ' all the young people go up front and "mosh" and it really was so great. The church here uses a lot of hillsong (a church in Australia that does a lot of sweet music) translated into Spanish... what an AMAZING experience!
My translator was Javier - a spanish american - he did a great job and wins the award for best translator I´ve ever had (and I´ve had a few...). I really was praying that I would hear from God ' just b-c I´m doing a "mission" doesn´t make me automatically close to God... As the sermon went on, it was about finishing what we start and also having patience, but doing our best to pursue what we´ve begun... I felt so strongly that I needed to listen to that and went up to pray - i wanted so badly for someone to come and pray with me, and just as I was about to get up, a woman from the church came and prayed with me and talked with me and it was so amazing. I still don´t totatly know what God´s up to in my life these days... But I know that I just need to wait and seek Him ' it is in relationship with Him that I have a reason to drag my butt out of bed. I hope you all get a chance to come down to Mexico and stand in this church with them as they Sing sometime ' it is the most amazing experience ever.
ONe of the men bought me two mangoes yesterday and they were SOOOOOO Good!!! I also ate some great ice cream, as well as got sufficiently burned! Í´ve been learning more Spanish and think I might try to get fluent! Our days start at 8:00 for team meeting, ministry at 9:30, lunch at 1:30, siesta, more ministry at 4:00 and Supper at 7:30 pm... we do a lot of item distribution and games and I am SO glad I bought a digital camera before we left!
So all of that said... pray for me that I will listen to God´s voice while I´m here. Last night I chose to submit everything... even my plans for Crow next year... I don´t know... maybe Í´ll end up in Mexico... that would be crazy!
Blessings you guys! Ayunda Marra is like saying ¨what´s up girlfriend! Good phrase eh?


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